Anna Błaczkowska , Alicja Grzeskowiak , Anna Król , Agnieszka Stanimir

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The aim of the research presented in this article is to indicate the correspondence analysis as a very useful method in recognizing the categories’ associations of variables identified in the gymnasium exam. Indication of the relationships between categories of different variables may give a recommendation to further reform of the education system so that the access to knowledge is not limited.
A radical reform of the educational system in Poland started in 1999. Its aim was to improve the quality of education and to adjust the education system to the requirements of the knowledge-based economy. One of the main solutions proposed in the reform was the introduction of the new education structure. An external, universal and compulsory gymnasium exam was implemented and its results from the years 2003-2010 were taken into consideration in this scrutiny. The analysis was based on the results collected by the Central Examination Board for individual students in the dolnoslaskie and opolskie voivodships with regard to school, community, gender and exam thematic areas in the fields of humanities, mathematics and science. The correspondence analysis was performed using both simple and multiway approaches.


comparative analysis, gymnasium exam, correspondence analysis


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